Thursday 3 October 2013


In this blog today we are discuss about the corruption. I am from India so m taking about my country.Before few years our India comes into 69th  number in corruption counting but now it comes in top 10 corrupt country. In my views in any country there is not only govt. of that country but also the public or the population of that country are the cause of corruption.
If every member of any country will serious about their duty then corruption is fully damaged.We are taking an example that if we fill up our income tax ,sales tax etc. then corruption rate get low . In any country there is the currency depends upon its gold. In our India there is so much gold but all of the gold present in black money.If all of the black money is converts into white money form then Indian rupees gets 1st position in all of the world. Indian nationality is not taking the any action about the black money otherwise India gets richer and more richer. Because of that in this servey there is many of the politician are involves. Approx 400000 crore rupees are outside of India which present in foreign countries bank account. This corruption takes very changes into any country. By its richer gets more richer and poor gets more poor.The corruption is must into Indian country because of the Reservation but it should be in controllable form.The corruption get damage the Economics of any country.In India there is the saint are also have so much money like as Asharam baba, Ramdev baba have so much money. Baba Ramdev have bought a iland in Scottland. But this all of the money is bleck money.In Indian temples there so much money present. In TIRUPATI BALAJI temple there are 1.25 crore rupees comes everyday in the donation. After these all of the world thinks about that the India is not a  poor country but it effects by the corruption.So now in my I can say India have lot of money and it is the GOLD SPARROW like as ancient time

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